LOC Full Form
Friends, you must have heard about LOC many times, LOC has crossed India, LOC has gone to Pakistan, what is the full form of LOC, LOC Full Form– line of control, I will tell you in detail in this article about when loc has Created. When did you move and why was there no LOC before?
State of Jammu Kashmir some part taken by Pakistan this called pok ( Pakistan Occupied Kashmir ) Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and state of Jammu Kashmir Border called Line of control.
some part was taken by china this called Aksai chin. This border calls LAC.Full-Form Of Lac- Line Of actual Control
after partition, on 17 August 1947, the border between India and Pakistan,
The Line of Control does not constitute a legally recognized international border for both India and Pakistan, but it is the de facto border.
It is a military-controlled line that separates Kashmir and the Pakistani-occupied Indian part of Kashmir (POK). It was originally known as the Ceasefire Line, but after the Simla Accord was signed on July 3, 1972, it was redesigned as the “Line of Control”.
The part of the former princely state that is under Indian control is known as the state of Jammu and Kashmir and the part controlled by Pakistan is divided into Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.
The border between India and Pakistan continues from the southern point of the LoC.
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