Google Full Form | Full Form Of Google Full information

Full Form Of Google

Google Full Form | Full Form Of Google Full Information

Hello friends, all of you are welcome, in this article, today the whole world knows and recognizes Google, we all know why Google is important, but some people do not know What is Google full form in Hindi, so friends,

I would like to tell you that Google is a short form, what is its full form, we are going to know Google full form in Hindi in this article, that is why this article is very important for all of you. Because we are going to see all the information related to Google in this article, then all this information will benefit you a lot and it will be easy for all of you to understand Google full form, then we start this article Google full form

Google full form

In today’s era, almost many people use Google or if seen, whoever has a smartphone, he definitely uses Google, but do you know that there will be many people who do not know the full form of Google.

And there will be very few people who will know the full form of Google or it may be that many people will feel that Google is a complete word. And it does not have any full form, but friends, let me tell you that each letter appearing in the word google has its own full form and which has a different meaning. So let us see what is the meaning of each letter appearing in the word google or what is the full form of each word of google.

Google full form | full form of Google

Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth

G: global – global
0 : organization
0: of oriented
G: group – group
L: language of – language
E: earth – earth

As mentioned above, the full form of the word google is global organization of oriented group language of earth and beyond this we have also told what it means

Google’s father (creator) :-

It was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin during his PhD studies, so both of them are also its father. This is a publicly traded company, so anyone who has bought the shares of Google, all those people are the owners of this company in a way. If you see, there are many people

But the names of those who have the most shares of Google are

1) Larry Page : -25.5% share.
2) Sergey Brin : -20.5% share.

The name of the CEO of Google is “Sunder Pichai“.
And he is an Indian.

The purpose behind the creation of Google

As we all know google is a search engine and its job is to get information on any type of topic from the internet and reach the user. You know that when we want to get any information from the internet, first of all we type it on the search bar of google and search the information of that topic through google.

It is the job of Google to present the best information from the Internet and present it to us. Meaning when we search by typing something on the internet, then google presents all the good information in front of us. And along with that, google also provides us with all kinds of services and there are many different types of products available on google, whose purpose is to make our life easier.

List of Google products :-

Google company takes care of its users the most. Almost all types of products given to the consumers are free. You can get any information by searching absolutely free.

1) Search: – If you know, then in the case of search, Google comes at number one. Whatever you search in Google, only information related to that is given to you. And which she is absolutely right. There are many other search engines somewhere but there is no one like Google.

2) YouTube:- We all know about what is youtube and how it works. And it is the second-largest search engine in the world after Google. This is the product of Google itself. Do you know that YouTube can earn money online from you.

3) Android:- Today in all smartphones OS means (Operating System) is used in android.

4) Gmail:- Email means (electronic letter) Google has created Gmail to send from one place to another.

5) Adwords: – Through adwords, we can promote our product worldwide by promoting our business.

6) Blogspot: – There is a site called for all types of bloggers. Which every blogger can use for free.

7) Google AdSense: – AdSense This blogger and YouTuber is a means of earning online which is absolutely free.

8) Google Drive:- Drive is used to store mobile data.

9) Map:- We can use Map to find any place and to reach that place.

10) Calendar:- In this, we can keep complete information about what we want to do throughout the day. You can also save and keep the date of the birthday of your family members. You get a lot of convenience in this.

11) Chrome:- Chrome browser is also known to almost everyone. Chrome browser is the most used in the world.


I hope that you have read this article properly and completely Google full form in Hindi, then all the information given to you in this article, you have understood well what is Google and what is it used for. . So you share this to your friends also so that they can also get this information, to stay connected with us and for all such important information, press the bell button nearby and allow the incoming notification so that you can get other information. Take advantage of this and for all such information, you stay with us like this, thank you

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PPE full form | full form of PPE all details

PPE Full Form

PPE Full Form | Full Form Of PPE all details

Today the whole world knows that COVID-19, this virus is causing havoc in every country and while treating it, some precautions are taken in the hospital keeping in mind, one of the same precautions is PPE kit. We know why PPE is necessary, but some people do not know what is the full form of PPE, so friends,

I would like to tell you that PPE is an acronym, what is its full form, this is PPE full form. I am going to know in this article, that’s why this article is very important for all of you because we are going to see all the information related to PPE in this article, then all this information will be of great benefit to you and all of you will be able to understand PPEfull form. If it is easy then we start this article in full form of PPE

PPE Full Form | Full Form Of PPE

PPE This is a medical suit used in all places of the medical department, which prevents all of us from the danger of any infection going on our body. It is known as Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment in Hindi means Personal Protective Equipment. This equipment is used to protect a person.

At present, PPE suits are used by doctors/nurses and other medical staff to protect themselves from coronavirus, wearing gloves, masks in PPE kits. , glasses and suits, etc. are all accessories. The use of PPE kits helps doctors, nurses, and other staff to treat infected patients and stay safe from getting infected.

Why PPE Kit is in the discussion?

With India due to coronavirus infection
The whole world has come under its grip. To avoid this, the need for vigilance is more for the doctors and the concerned medical staff, while treating and taking care of the patients infected with the coronavirus,

so far many such cases have come to the fore in which the doctors have also been infected during the treatment, due to which A special type of suit has been made for the protection of doctors and the name of that suit is PPE ie Personal Protective Equipment.

PPE Key Level

PPE kits are prepared for the main 4 levels. PPE kits are divided into Level A, Level B, Level C, Level D. Level A PPE kit is used to protect against the ongoing corona virus infection. The cover has also been included to make its respiratory system and the shoes protective.

To prevent coronavirus from coming in contact with the body. For this reason, PPE kits are being used to wear by doctors to avoid coronavirus infection.

Dispose of PPE kit properly after use

We all know that while treating people infected with the corona epidemic, all the doctors themselves have also got infected. Only then PPE has been brought for the safety of the doctors so that the doctors are safe, but PPE kit has been a topic of discussion for a few days and has become a political issue as well.

There are different types of PPE kits, but usually masks, gowns, face protectors, gloves, special helmets, face shields, aprons, goggles, respirators, eye protectors, head covers, shoe covers, rubber boots. To protect against infected people. It is mandatory for doctors to wear all these things
But after using the PPE kit, it is very important to destroy it properly, if it is not destroyed properly then the risk of spreading the infection will increase.


I hope that you have read this article properly and completely in PPE full form, then all the information given to you in this article, you have understood very well what is PPE kit and what is it used for. goes. So you share this with your friends also so that they can also get this information, to stay connected with us and for all such important information, press the bell button nearby and allow the incoming notification so that you can get other information. Take advantage of this and for all such information, you stay with us like this, thank you

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sOP full form | full form of SOP Full information

SOP Full Form | Full Form Of SOP Full Information

SOP Full Form | Full Form Of SOP

Friends, Welcome to all of you. Today’s SOP Full Form In Safety many people in this article do not know what SOP is, then friends. SOP is a shortened form. What is its full form?

SOP Full Form In Safety is going to be known in this article, so this article is very important for all of you because we are going to see all the information related to SOP in this article, then you will benefit greatly from all this information and SOP Full Form All of you will be able to understand, then we start this article by SOP Full Form In Safety.

SOP Full Form

SOP Full Form Standard Operating Procedure This is SOP is a document of instructions to complete a defined task or SOP is written instruction that gives information on how to perform a task in a fixed method, companies can improve the stability and quality of their products.

Rely on SOP for achieving appropriate results in any task that requires the creation of a comprehensive ideal working system and the same methodology is called SOP to comply with SOP industry regulations, reducing miscommunication To achieve uniformity inefficiency/quality/production/performance these are written

It is a standard process by companies to ensure continuity in different business functions like sales, marketing, customer service, etc.

Depending on the nature of the business it may differ from company to company eg banks/hotels /Hospitals have a distinct possibility of having a separate SOP. In every small company, the CEO makes all the important decisions of the company related to business activities,

but as the company grows and expands, a written SOP brings stability to the business functions. Is required

This works as a reference guide for employees. It helps employees to understand the order of business methods. Other routine tasks. SOP is very important in some companies. They also need to be strictly followed. Clinical as an example. Research / Emergency Response / Power Plant are some important areas in which there is no scope for errors as there is no fault in the SOP of such companies, if some steps are missed in their SOP then it can lead to a big accident.

Importance of SOP (Importance of SOP)

SOP is a document of standard operating procedures that a company has to ensure that services and products are continuously delivered each time it works in any business and creates SOP to handle that department SOP is very important to move the work forward without any interruption.

SOP is used to demonstrate compliance with the regulation procedures and to show how tasks should be completed in the organization.

To understand this, let us take an example. You are the owner of a good company, because of your business being a dynasty, your company is a very good name in the society. You have a team of hardworking people with every capable, honest, and hardworking person.

If you have not used SOP, what can happen if one of your employees has to go on leave for a few days, then obviously you will have to get the same work done by someone else.

Now if a new person will sit down to do a new job, who has no experience, you have to explain to him how to work, yet there is something that remains to be told, which is the reason why the work does not get the way it is needed, then why? And according to what happens,

because there was no elaborate system to work, for this reason, the quality does not work, now let’s see another way if you had done that work by doing SOP then that person I hope that the work is done at the right time and in good quality. By this example, you must have understood what SOP is and what it needs so much.

Why is SOP written

If seen, SOPs are mainly written in a company or business organization for tasks that have to be repeated, the benefit of SOP is that the person doing the work does not have to repeatedly explain how to do the work. What to do and what to keep in mind while working. Through the SOP, the old workers can easily learn how to do any work, this will save both time and money, hence creating more structure in business activities, Can improve productivity and reduce costs

Not every organization benefits from such standardization. It is up to the business owner to determine whether a job can be repeated every day within their company whether these procedures are passed on to the employees of SOP. It is worth learning that having written SOP in any business or organization is necessary for the following reasons.

For stability

The number one reason for the continuity of processes in the way any person performs a task or an activity is that the more good and consistent the process from one person to another, the less the quality problem.

To minimize mistakes

The written process details the set of instructions for doing the task. As long as everyone in your team does the same thing as written, you are more likely to reduce mistakes.

For communication

A major reason for the need for SOP in the organization for your benefit in communication is that operating procedures are updated on time with process improvements that require new training for each update. Can be described as a change in process

You have read this article properly and completely by SOP Full Form In Safety, then you have understood all the information given in this article so that you can share it among your friends so that they too can get this information. To stay connected with us and for all such important information, press the bell button nearby and allow the notifications to come so that you can take advantage of other information and you will become like this with us for all such information. Thank you

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Full form of MMS course | MMS Full Form

MMS Full Form

Full Form Of MMS Course | MMS Full Form

Hello friends, everyone is welcome in today’s article, which is called the full form of MMS course. Every year, after passing all the student’s school and college course And some of those students want to do MMS course but some of them do not know what is the full form of MMS course or other people do not know about the full form of MMS course So for all of them today, through this article,

we will give full information of what is the full form of MMS course, what will be the MMS course fees, what is MMS course salary, we will talk on all these and will see their information from which you got a from MMS course. If we can get more information, let’s start

Full form of MMS course

MMS is a short form that is easy to speak and write, so it is used but know what is its full form of MMS course “Master of Management Studies” Master of Management Studies (MMS) This is a 2-year full-time postgraduate course,

It is conducted by the Institute of Management Studies and Research (SIMSR) of Sasmira. And upon the student is successful, the student is awarded an MMS Mumbai University degree

MMS Course Fees

As we have seen, the MMS course is a 2-year postgraduate course that is divided into 4 different semesters and includes theory classes / practical projects/internships. Talking about MMS course fees, all colleges and universities offer you an MMS course to do this course, so MMS course fees may be different.

✓ IIT Bombay 13 lakhs

✓ ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education. 7.8 lakhs

✓ K J Somaiya
Institute of
Management 7 to 8 lakhs
Studies and research

✓ SRM Institute
of Technology 3.5 lakhs

✓ Jain University 10 lakhs

If you have an idea, the fees of Master in Management MMS can be from INR 60,000 for government colleges and up to Rs 10 lakh annually for private colleges.

MMS Course Salary

The average course salary of the Master of Management Studies [MMS] course can be INR 6.88 lakhs per year. And this amount varies depending on the area of ​​employment of the dependent and the firm along with their hard work, dedication, seniority at the workplace.

✓ Hero Motocorp: – 405,000 – 1,905,000 INR

✓ Mahindra & Mahindra: – 508,000 – 1,843,000 INR

✓ Maruti Suzuki: – 785,000 – 2,445,300 INR

✓ Tata Motors: – 610,070 – 2,285,000 INR

✓ Bosch: – 590,170 – 2,240,000 INR

✓ State Bank of India: – 725,580 – 2,070,000 INR

✓ Ultratech Cement: – 850,000 – 2,803,000 INR

✓ Kajaria Ceramic: – 670,000 – 1,839,000 INR

✓ Pidilite Ind: – 758,878 – 2,530,897 INR

✓ ITC Limited: – 638,009 – 1,967,115 INR

✓ HCL Ltd: – 735,832 – 1,730,000 INR

✓ Wipro Infotech: – 765,000 – 2,130,000 INR

✓ Omaxe Housing: – 490,000 – 1,600,000 INR

✓ Amazon: – 815,000 – 1,930,000 INR

✓ Apollo Hospitals: – 650,000 – 2,295,000 INR

✓ Mahindra Holidays: – 720,128 – 1,880,000 INR

✓ Larsen & Toubro: – 840,320 – 2,480,000 INR

✓ Shell: – 676,000 – 2,125,000 INR

✓ Hindustan Unilever: – 780,000 – 2,370,000 INR

✓ Asian Paints: – 725,000 – 2,042,750 INR

✓ Vedanta Group: – 220,000 – 2,144,000 INR

✓ Bharti Airtel: – 1,020,975 – 2,180,245 INR

✓ HDFC Bank: – 690,870 – 1,860,400 INR

✓ ICICI Bank: – 640,000 – 1,891,000 INR

✓ Jet Airways: – 590,168 – 1,500,000 INR

✓ MRF Tires: – 720,000 – 2,402,000 INR

So you saw this is the salary table of some companies from which we have learned how much salary we can get from MMS course.

If you have read this article properly and completely, full form of MMS course, then in today’s article, you know MMS means Master of Management Studies, then if you know the full form of MMS course, the information mentioned in this article will give you a good understanding. Has come and thanked you for staying with us for all such information

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Full Form Of DPT Vaccine | Full Form DPT Vaccine

Full Form Of DPT Vaccine

full form of DPT vaccine | full form DPT vaccine

Welcome, all of you to the Full Form of DPT Vaccine article, what is the full form of DPT Vaccine here. What does DPT Vaccine cost? What is the DPT Vaccine Age? We are going to know all the information in this article, so let’s move forward.

Full Form of DPT Vaccine

DPT is an acronym because it is easier to speak and write than the full form of DPT Vaccine “Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus” Vaccine

In the 20th century, vaccination helped reduce the incidence of pertussis when 0 had a positive effect on population health in the United States.

In the early 21st century, the reported incidence of the disease had increased manifold, leading to a decline in immunization numbers and also led to many deaths. In the 21st century, many people refused to vaccinate Pertussis for fear of side effects, despite showing scientific evidence that their children were safe.

The journal Pediatrics concluded that the greatest risk in children was not a contraction of side effects, but rather the disease that immunization required to be avoided.

DPT Vaccine cost

The cost of a DPT Vaccine is around Rs. 15.50 and the cost of Doctors are Rs.12.50. is. DaPT costs Rs 699 and doctors cost Rs 595. Doctor DaPT prefers vaccine management. Despite DPT by Pediatrics (IAP), it is a whole-cell pertussis vaccine, not a DAPT, such as the Acular Pertussis vaccine. The National Immunization Program also uses the whole-cell vaccine

DPT Vaccine Age

Regular vaccinations of infants / children / adolescents / pregnant women / adults all

Children under 7 years of age receive DTaP / DT, older children and adults receive Tdap and Td. Infants and children have to be given a dose at each age. 2 months / 4 months / 6 months / 15 months / 18 months / 4 years. Use DT for infants and children. Give a single dose of Tdap at 11 to 12 years of age.

The CDC recommends immediate TADAP to pregnant women through 36 in the early part of gestational week 27 for new mothers who did not receive TDP during the current pregnancy but received a pre TADP dose if they received a TADAP postpartum. Should not receive a dose of

For adults 65 years of age or older, the vaccine product given to that person is valid. Providers should not offer immunization opportunities to individuals over 65 years of age. Therefore, providers can administer available Tdap vaccines.

If you have studied the full form of DPT Vaccine properly and completely, then in today’s article, you know DPT means Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus. Has come and thank you for all such information and remain so

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VMC machine full form | VMC Full Form

VMC Machine Full Form | VMC Full Form

VMC Machine Full Form | VMC Full Form

Friends, all of you are welcome to this article, all of you want to know what is the Vmc machine full form, then all of you know what is the Vmc machine full form and what is the Vmc machine price, we are going to get all the information in this article, so let’s get started. Let’s do

VMC machine full form

VMC machine is a different and specific type of milling machine. CNC is used to control this machine. VMC machine is full form “Vertical Milling Center” The main function of this type of milling machine is that the tool moves in the vertical direction and the moment of bed is in x and y direction in VMC machine moved to tool z position. That is, up and down is routed to VMC machine my tools and work are fixed. Fixer is used to fix work pis which hold VMC machine and CNC machine fixer are different.

VMC machine price

Talking about the Vmc machine price, I tell you that the Vmc machine is available in different sizes, according to your work, you can buy the machine according to the requirement of the machine. VMC machine has all the automatic updated machines available. All that price varies

How to choose a good VMC machine?

According to your procedure, the spindle speed should be in the VMC machine, the rapids should be held, the axis should be traveling, the table size should be right. And you always have to choose the machine keeping in mind the plans, it may be a good idea to have a dull idea.

New and updated high-tech machines / high-precision machines can also make very tight and small work well, but machines with high accuracy come at a high cost, so you can choose the VMC machine depending on your expense and work.

What is the difference between a VMC machine and a CNC machine?

If seen, VMC is a type of CNC machine, which is attached, it is used to cut metal. CNC machine is a computer/motion part. The rest is frame and spindle. Apart from VMC machine, the technology of CNC machine can control laser / 3D printer/water jet/plasma cutter / etc, so the difference is between VMC machine and CNC machine

VMC Vertical Machining Center Manufacturer

✓ DMG Mori Seki – Best Vertical Machining Center

✓ FANUC – Factory Automation Specialist

✓ Vertical Machining Center Features

✓ Okuma – Single Source Production Philosophy

✓ Mazak – Best Japanese Meter Machines

✓ Trumpf – World-known machine tool manufacturer

Types of VMC Machines Four types of Five-Axis Machining Centers

✓ 2 – A machine with two pivots in the spindle head

✓ 1 – A machine with a rotary table axis and a spindle in the spindle

✓ 2 – A double rotary table machine

✓ 4 – A compact machine with a rotary table axis and a table trunion

You have read Vmc machine full from this article completely, so in today’s article, you have VMC meaning “Vertical Milling Center”, then know all the information mentioned in this article from Vmc machine full. Has come and thanks for all such information you remained with us like this

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Full form of cd rOM |CD ROM full form in computer 2021

Full Form Of Cd ROM

Full Form Of Cd ROM |CD ROM Full Form In Computer 2021

Welcome all of you friends, in this article, we all know that today is the era of the computer, today all the work is done with the help of computer and cd rom is a part of that computer, so the full form of this cd rom What happens, we are going to know in this article and what is the importance of the work of Cd rom in the computer, this information is also going to be given to us from full cd rom in this article, so let’s go ahead.

Full form of cd rom

Cd Rom, This is a type of memory meant for reading by optical devices. Cd Rom is full from “Computer Disc Read-Only Memory” It reads binary data using a low-power laser beam and is called an optical disk. It is encoded in small pits like a computer gives drive data for processing.

Compact discs were created in 1982 for digital audios to convert any type of information into digital form to serve as low-cost storage for large computer programs/databases/graphics in CD ROM commercially flowy. The disc has a capacity of 680 megabytes, which allows for a much faster acceptance.

Unlike magnetic storage tapes / floppy disks / hard disks, CDs / CD-ROMs are not for recording. This has led to the development of separate recordable optical hybrid devices, but it generally failed in the publishing world where CD Large multimedia files are exchanged regularly with ROM.

In the 1990s, a new type of CD was made, which was distinct from the CD-Recordable light-sensitive organic dye CD that conforms to the pits of a normal CD, which CD-ROM players can read. This CD is also known as a WORM disk. A writable version based on the crystal was launched as CD-RW which required the computer to operate the CD-R and CD-RW recorder in the original computer software. And there was acceptance for use as a data backup.

CD-ROM data capability

The capability of CD-ROM is expressed with a binary prefix that cuts the storage used in the case of data.

Can store approximately 829 MB of data with error correction from a 120 mm, 800 MB CD-ROM

CD-ROM Advantages: –

✓ There is no problem with the use of compact discs.

✓ Compact discs are portable.

✓ Compact discs are inexpensive.

✓ Compact discs have a wider life.

CD-ROM Disadvantages: –

✓ Compact discs are easy to break and easy to damage.

✓ Compact discs are non-convertible.

✓ Compact disk maintains storage of data.

CD-ROMs are in the form of audio. It stores data in a very similar way. The standards used for data are different from CDs. It is made of a 1.2 mm disc of carbonate plastic, with a thin layer of aluminum for the reflective surface. The typical size of a CD-ROM is 120 mm, although a mini CDstandard of 80 mm is available, as well as compact discs in many non-standard size molds.

The data is stored on a disk in a series A laser shines on the surface of the disk to read the pattern of pits, wherein the gap between them is called land. The depth of the pits is one-quarter the wavelength of laser light used to read the disc, the reflected beam transfers to the incoming beam, reducing the beam’s intensity thereby converting it to binary data.

The structures used for data on the CD-ROM are derived from the Red Book. Like an audio CD, the CD-ROM contains 2,352 bytes of data, consisting of 98 frames, each containing 33 bytes. Data in contrast to audio CDs match any type of digital data. To protect this data, the CD The ROM standard defines Mode 1 / Mode 2, describing two different layouts for a sector’s data.

The CD-ROM consists of one track in only one mode, but the CD-ROM has many tracks, each track having its track in a different mode. He can also do with audio CDs, which is a case of mixed mode.

Various defenses are often used to prevent software distributors from playing any media, especially computer game CD-ROMs. Audio differs somewhat from CDs as it applies to both media and software.

The CD-ROM may have sectors to make the disk harder to copy, the additional data may be difficult to copy to the CD-R disk, the software that runs each time is a copy of the computer’s CD- to determine the original disk. The ROM is not present in the drive.

I assume that you have fully read this article full form of cd rom till the end, so in today’s article, we have full form of cd rom full form of cd rom “Computer Disc Read-Only Memory” Have it go Then what is the cd rom advantage And if you see what the disadvantages are, then you have understood all the information given in this article in the full form of cd rom and you remained like this with us for all such information.

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DAV school full form | Full Form Of DAV 2021

DAV School full form

DAV School Full Form | Full Form Of DAV 2021

Hello everyone, welcome to this article, whose name is Dav school full form, so in this article, we will know what is Dav school full form and also we will get more information related to Dav school as well as who is the Founder of DAV school, DAV public school fees, DAV public school branches in India, we are going to know all this information in this article, so let’s know about Dav school full form

DAV school full form

DAV is an acronym for this, it is easy to speak and write, so the abbreviation is used. Dav school full form – “Dayanand Anglo Vedic” There is an institution that provides education which has 461 High School DAV. It is based on the ideas of Swami Dayanand Saraswati and this school-university provides both levels of education, so you DAV School full form In this article, what is the full form of Dav must have been known, so now we see information about DAV School Founder.

Who is the founder of DAV school

Friends, we have now known about the DAV full form, now we know that who is the founder of DAV school, the founder of DAV, Mahatma Hansraj, he has established the DAV school and in today’s time, it is the largest CBSE board in India. The organization has become DAV’s main office in New Delhi and it has around 69,000 employees who work in DAV. It also teaches Hindi / English and all local languages.

Along with India, Singapore / Fiji / Nepal / Mauritius are also DAV institutions in these countries. CBSE Board Topper has a record of DAV. 20 million students take education in DAV every year. All students in DAV have English Language Compulsory and students with it. In Hindi or anyone who can choose a local language and learn it, then who is the founder of DAV school?

DAV public school fees

So far, we have seen the information of Dav full form and Dav School founder. Now we see the information of Dav public school fees as if you have seen till now that there are 919 institutes of Dav school which are in different states and cities of India, so all institutions There can be quite a difference in fees, yet I give you information about DAV public school fees structure.

Fee Structure 2019-20



LKG TO VIII Rs. 3690.00

XI TO XII Rs. 3940.00


Rs. 60.00





Monthly Charges

Fees Class    

Tuition FeeL KG to V
Rs. 1750.00

Tuition Fee VI to X
Rs. 1900.00

Tuition Fee XI to XII
Rs. 2400.00

Admission Charges    LKG to X 
Rs. 4000.00

Admission Charges   XI to XII 
Rs. 6000.00

So after seeing the DAV school fees structure at this point, you must have understood how much DAV public school fees are

DAV Public school branches in India

Till now we have seen DAV full form, DAV School founder, DAV Public school fees, we have seen all the information about DAV public school branches in India. What are those names, you will see DAV public school branches in India at this point

✓ DAV College – Jalandhar

✓ DAV College – Hanumangarh

✓ DAV College – Kanpur

✓ DAV Institute of Engineering & Technology – Jalandhar

✓ BBK DAV College for girls – Amritsar

✓ DAV College – Titilagarh

✓ DAV College – Chandigarh

✓ DAV College – Dehradun

✓ DAV PG College – Azamgarh

✓ DAV Public School – KOTA RAJASTHAN

✓ DAV College – Bathinda PUNJAB

✓ DAV Public School – Bokaro Steel City

✓ DAV Model School – Pitampura Delhi


✓ DAV ACC Public School – Kymore (Madhya Pradesh)

✓ DAV school – hanumangarh

✓ DAV Public School – Thane

✓ DAV Sr.Sec.School – Abohar

✓ DAV College – Abohar

✓ DAV College of Education – Abohar

✓ DAV Public School – HFC Township Barauni

✓ DAV BDL Public School – Bhanur

✓ DAV Public School – Ratwar Bhabua

✓ DAV Hr.Sec School – Gill Nagar Chennai

✓ DAV hr.Sec School – Moggapaire Chennai

✓ DAV Sr. Sec School – Gopalapuram Chennai

✓ DAV Public School – Dehradun

✓ DAV public school – Gandhinagar Ranchi

✓ DAV Sr.Sec.School – Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh).

✓ DAV Public School – Phillaur

✓ DAV – Durgapur

✓ BBK DAV College – Amritsar

✓ DAV College of Education – Amritsar

✓ DAV Public School – Amritsar

✓ DAV Senior Secondary School – Amritsar

✓ DAV Public School – Airoli

✓ DAV College – Jalandhar

✓ Hans Raj Mahila Mahavidyalaya

✓ DAV Public School – Ludhiana

✓ DAV Ayurvedic College – Jalandhar

✓ DAV Institute of Management – Faridabad Haryana

✓ DAV Centenary Public School – Ukkunagaram Visakhapatnam

✓ DAV Public School – Vijayawada AP

✓ DAV Public School – Safilguda Hyderabad

✓ DAV Public School – Kanchanbagh Hyderabad

✓ DAV Public School – Kukatpally Hyderabad

✓ DAV Public School – Kusmunda Korba

✓ KB DAV Senior Secondary Public School – Chandigarh

✓ DAV Public School – Thermal Colony Panipat

✓ DAV Centenary Public School – Panipat


✓ BNS DAV Public School – Giridih (Jharkhand)

✓ Dr.A.N.K. DAV Public School – Rourkela

✓ DAV Velankar College – Solapur

✓ DAV Public School – Bilaspur(CG)

✓ DAV Public School – Bacheli (CG)

✓ DAV Sr.Sec.School – Shahabad (Markanda)

✓ DAV Public School – Sreshtha Vihar (Delhi)

✓ DAV Jawahar Vidya Mandir – Shyamali

✓ DAV Public School – Rotary Campus (Gaya)

✓ DAV Public School – WALMI (Patna)

✓ DAV Public School – Khagaul (Patna)

✓ DAV Public School – CDA Bidanasi Cuttack

✓ Dhirubhai Ambani DAV School – Koparkhairane Navi Mumbai

✓ DAV Public School Unit 8 – Bhubaneswar

✓ DAV Public School – Chandrashekharpur Bhubaneswar

✓ DAV Public School – Pokhariput Bhubaneswar

✓ DAV Public school – Berhampur

✓ DAV Centenary Public School – Visakhapatnam

✓ Atreyee DAV Public School – Balurghat

✓ D.A.V Public School – Asansol Kalyanpur

Friends Dav school full form In this article, we have seen all the information related to DAV, which what is Dav school full form, what is Dav school founder, who has seen this, then see what is DAV school fees, And DAV branches India, then you will understand all this information, stay with us for such important information.

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full form of CDC | What is CDC Full Details? 2021

Full Form Of CDC

Full Form Of CDC | What Is CDC Full Details?

Hey, Today we will discuss Cdc Full Details. With CDC Full Form, what CDC means? What are CDC and their job? What is the difference between FDA and CDC? Let’s Start,

The full form of CDC is The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, CDC is the premier national institution of public health in the United States. The CDC is a federal agency of the United States of America under the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is accused of tracking and researching public health trends. It publishes weekly data and key health information on all reported deaths and illnesses and health advice for travelers in the US.

The CDC also has a special rapid response team to prevent epidemic diseases. Its primary goal is to protect public health and safety by preventing and controlling disease, disability, and injury in the US and internationally.

The CDC focuses national attention on the implementation and development of disease control and prevention. His special focus is on food-borne pathogens, environmental health, infectious diseases, occupational health and safety, injury prevention, health promotion, and educational activities designed to improve the health of American citizens. Additionally, the CDC provides research and information about non-infectious diseases such as obesity and diabetes and is a founding member of the International Association of Public Health.

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LOC Full Form | what is the full form LOC? 2021

LOC Full Form

LOC Full Form | What Is The Full Form LOC?

Friends, you must have heard about LOC many times, LOC has crossed India, LOC has gone to Pakistan, what is the full form of LOC, LOC Full Formline of control, I will tell you in detail in this article about when loc has Created. When did you move and why was there no LOC before?

What is the full form of LOC and LC?

State of Jammu Kashmir some part taken by Pakistan this called pok ( Pakistan Occupied Kashmir ) Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and state of Jammu Kashmir Border called Line of control.
some part was taken by china this called Aksai chin. This border calls LAC.Full-Form Of Lac- Line Of actual Control

after partition, on 17 August 1947, the border between India and Pakistan,
The Line of Control does not constitute a legally recognized international border for both India and Pakistan, but it is the de facto border.

It is a military-controlled line that separates Kashmir and the Pakistani-occupied Indian part of Kashmir (POK). It was originally known as the Ceasefire Line, but after the Simla Accord was signed on July 3, 1972, it was redesigned as the “Line of Control”.

The part of the former princely state that is under Indian control is known as the state of Jammu and Kashmir and the part controlled by Pakistan is divided into Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.

The border between India and Pakistan continues from the southern point of the LoC.

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