rpf full form in Hindi |हिंदी में RPF का full form क्या है

Rpf Full Form In Hindi |हिंदी में RPF का Full Form क्या है

Rpf Full Form In Hindi |हिंदी में RPF का Full Form क्या है

क्या आप rpf full form in Hindi search कर रहे हैं yes तो आईऐ मै आपको rpf के बारे मे जानकारी देता हु rpf full form in Hindi को जानने से पहले हम rpf क्या करता है और उनका काम क्या होता है यह देखते है जिस तरह लोगो की सुरक्षा के लिए पुलीस होती है उसी तरह भारतीय रेल्वे मे रेल यात्रियों की सुरक्षा करने के लिए रेल्वे संपत्तीयों की सुरक्षा करने के लिए और ऐसे कही कामो के लिए जो भारतीय रेल्वे मे किये जाते है

Rpf Full Form In Hindi

उनके लिये भारतीय रेल मे लोगो के बल की जरुरत होती है और उसे ही रेलवे सुरक्षा बल Railway Protection Force यानी RPF कहते है यह rpf full form in Hindi है भारतीय रेल्वे मे होनेवाले अपराध को रोखने में और अपराधीयों को गिरफ्तार करने में और उनको उसअपराध की सजा देने मे rpf का बहुत बडा महत्व है अधिनियम 1957 द्वारा Railway Protection Force मे लगभग 75000 active कर्मीयों का सुरक्षा बल है

यह सुरक्षा बल सबसे अच्छे सुरक्षा बलों में भी आता है जो रेलवे की सुरक्षा करने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ता और यह रेलवे मंत्रालय अंतर्गत काम करता है। आपने देखा कि rpf full form in Hindi मतलब रेलवे सुरक्षा बल Railway Protection Force यह कीतना important है। उसी तरह rpf full form in Hindi में हम RPF के कुछ उदेश्यो की जानकारी देखेंगे कि Railway Protection Force के मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या हैं

Railway Protection Force के मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या हैं

i) रेलवे अधिनियम 1966 में भारतीय रेल में अपराध करने वाले लोगों को पकड़ कर उनसे कानूनी पूछताछ करना और आगे की कानूनी कार्यवाही करना है। यह उद्देश्य हैं

ii) जब रेलवे की संपत्ति को आने और ले जाने में किसी भी तरह की कोई परेशानी ना हो। यह देखना RPF का उद्देश्य है।

iii) रेलवे परिसर या रेल गाड़ियों में बच्चे और महिलाओं को तस्कर कर ले जाने से रोकना या रेलवे में खोए हुए यात्रियों के सामान को यात्रियों तक पहुंचने मे मदत करना यह भी एक उद्देश्य है।

iv) हर समय हर परिस्थिति को अच्छे से जानकर पहचान कर अगर कहीं अपराध होने वाला है तो उसे रोखना यह एक उद्देश्य है।

हमने अभी rpf मतलब Railway Protection Force यह होता है यह देखा पर RPF के और भी full from होते है और वह क्या है वह देखते है

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Indian Army TES 45 Course July 2021 Salary Full Details

Indian Army TES 45 Course July 2021 Salary Full Details

Indian Army TES 45 Course July 2021 Salary Full Details

Indian Army TES 45 Course July 2021 Salary Full Details – 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES-45) (90 Vacancy) – Last Date 02 March– Indian Army invites application for the posts of 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES-45) (90 Vacancy) Posts for this Post’s online application starts from 1 February 2021. Indian Army TES 45 Course July 2021 Salary – 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES-45) (90 Vacancy) – Last Date 02 March

Interested Candidate can apply online .for this post candidate Must Complete 16 Years & Maximum Age 20 Years Notification, relaxation in age will be admissible to Divine Body applicant Various posts

Passed 10+2 Examination or it’s equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 70% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics from recognized education boards. see all details in the official notification Indian Army TES 45 Course July 2021 Salary – 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES-45) (90 Vacancy) – Last Date 02 March salary- Qualification,-eligibility- criteria. For Sarkari Result, Exam Date, Admit Card, Answer Key, and other important details from time to time on this page only.

First Read Full Official Notification (link Given In Table) then apply for these posts thank you for Reading this Article Please Save this page Bookmarks For Upcoming Latest Govt’s Jobs Opportunity.

Indian Army TES 45 Course July 2021 Salary

Indian Army TES 45 Course Vacancy 2021 Details

Post NameNo. of VacancyPay Scale
10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES-45)(Course commencing in July 2021)9056100 – 1,77,500/- Level 10

Indian Army TES 45 Course Eligibility Criteria

Educational QualificationAge Limit
 Passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 70% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from recognized education boards16 1/2 to 191/2 years
Age Calculate on 01.01.2022

Indian Army TES 45 Notification 2021 Important Dates

Starting Date for Submission of Online Application01 February 2021
Last Date for Submission of Online Application02 March 2021

Indian Army TES 45 Course Application Fee

  • There is no Application fee

How to Apply Indian Army TES 45 Course 2021

Interested candidates may apply for this Sarkari Result Online through the website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in from 01.02.2021 to 02.03.2021.
Job Location: All India
Indian Army TES 45 Course Selection Process: Selection will be based on SSB Interview & Medical Exam.

Indian Army TES 45 Course Notification 2021 Important Links

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WCR Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2021 Salary

WCR Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2021 Salary – 561 Act Apprentice Vacancy – Last Date 27 February– West Central Railway invites application for the posts of 561 Act Apprentice Vacancy – Last Date 27 February

DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Apply Online 62-Posts Apprentice Vacancy

DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021 apply online 62-posts apprentice Vacancy Sarkari Naukri
Candidates for these posts will be selected on the basis of merit.  Selected candidates will be notified via e-mail.
According to the notification issued by Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), 39 posts of Technician (Diploma) Apprentice are vacant. 

Indian Railways Recruitments 2021 Apply Online | 374 Post’s 10th Pass & ITI Vacancy

Indian Railways Recruitments 2021 Apply Online | 374 Post’s 10th Pass & ITI Vacancy Sarkari Naukri
Indian Railways has recruited a large number of vacancies for 10th pass candidates. According to the notification issued by the Railways, 10th pass candidates can also apply for these posts.The last date to apply for these posts is February 15, 2021.

Under the Railway Recruitment Notice, Apprentice is to be appointed to 374 posts. For 300 posts of Apprentice ITI, it is necessary for the candidates to pass 10th with 50% marks and also to pass ITI.Click for Full DetailsAdd Button

Latest Jobs requirements 2021

Read Full Official Notification (link Given In Above Table) then apply for these posts thank you for Reading this Article Please Save this page’s Bookmarks For the Upcoming Latest Govt’s Jobs Opportunity. Interested candidates can apply for these posts if you are looking for a job opportunity Indian Army TES 45 Course July 2021

WiFi full form in Hindi | वाईफाई क्या है हिंदी में है 2021

WiFi full form in Hindi

WiFi full form in Hindi | वाईफाई क्या है

हम एक ऐसे टॉपिक की जानकारी देने वाले है जिसको आज सारी दुनिया में उसका उपयोग हर रोज किया जाता है तो यह कहना भी गलत नही होगा की इस के बैगर आज के समय मे एक सेकंड भी मुश्किल हो सकता है तो
वह क्या टॉपिक है यह जानते है जिसका नाम है वाय-फाय , इंटरनेट आज पूरी दुनिया मे सब इंटरनेट और वाय-फाय पर ही चल रहा है तो हम इस आर्टिकल में जानने वाले है कि वाय-फाय जो हमारे घर या ऑफिस मे उपयोग करते है

उस वाय-फाय का फुल फॉर्म होता क्या है WiFi full form in Hindi आज जो सवाल आपके दिमाग मे है वही सवाल कुछ समय पहले मेरे भी दिमाग में था तो मैंने कही जानपहचान वालो से पूछा की Wifi Full Form In Hindi क्या हैं पर उन्हे भी वाय-फाय का फुल फॉर्म पता नही था पर मजेवाली बात यही थी वह अभी जानपहचान वाले लोग अपने घर या ऑफिस मे वाय-फाय का उपयोग करते थे परंतु फिर भी उनको उसका फुल फॉर्म पता नही था

पर आज मै आपको इस सवाल का क्या जवाब है यह समझने मे मदद करने वाला हू क्यो की मैने काफी Search करने के बाद मुझे इसकी जानकारी मिली है तो वही सब जानकारी मै आपसे शेअर करने वाला हू तो आईये शुरु करते हैं

वाईफाई क्या है हिंदी में

वाईफाई क्या है हिंदी में WiFi full form in Hindi

अभी हम वाय-फाय फुल फॉर्म को जानते है और वाय-फाय के बारे मे कुछ जानकारी भी देखते है WiFi full form in Hindi “वायरलेस फिडेलिटी” जिसको इंग्लिश मे Wireless Fidelity ऐसे लिखते हैं परंतु असल मे Wifi यह एक कंपनी ब्रँड का नाम है सन 1998 मे Wi-Fi Alliance नामक कंपनीने Wireless गॅजेट बनाया जिसका काम था वायरलेस उपकरणो को स्पीड से इंटरनेट नेटवर्क प्रदान करना जो रेडिओ तरंगो जैसा काम करता है

जैसे आज एक स्मार्टफोन , Dish अँटिना यह करते है और Wifi Wireless Local Area Network है जो हमे इंटरनेट को स्पीड देता है जिससे आप कंप्यूटर / मोबाईल / टॅबलेट और कही अन्य उपकरण चला सकते है जो इंटरनेट से कनेक्ट होते हे वाय-फाय एक IEEE 802.11x का ट्रेडमार्क माना जाता है क्यों कि वाय-फाय का कोई फुल फॉर्म नही है परंतु जो प्रमुख कंपनी या है उन्होने Wireless Fidelity या नाम का प्रचार किया है वाय-फाय का फुल फॉर्म के तहत परंतु यह सच्चाई नही है

आपको यह बतादु कि वाय-फाय का जब उपयोग किया जाता है तो सिर्फ 66 feet मतलब 20 मीटर के दुरी तक ही वायफाय आपके किसी भी उपकरण को हॉटस्पॉट के जरीए कनेक्ट हो सकता है अगर आपका उपकरण इस दुरी के बाहर होगा तो आप वाय-फाय से कनेक्ट नही हो सकते वाय-फाय एक ऐसा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक गॅजेट हैं जो ISM रेडिओ फ्रिक्वेन्सी को किसी भी डेटा को एक जगह से दुसरी जगह स्थानांतरीत करने मे उपयोगी आता है

WiFi का इतिहास क्या हैं

सन 1971 में ALOHA and ALOHAnet इन्होने Ethernet की सुरुवात की थी फिर उसके बारे मे IEEE 802.11 और Federal Communication यह अमेरिकी Commission ने सन 1985 ने बिना licensed को उपयोग करने के लिए एक ISM band प्रकाशित किया था क्या आपको पता हैं wifi का जन्मस्थान कोनसा हैं नहीं पता तो मै WiFi Full Form In Hindi मे आपको यह बताऊंगा की Wifi का तकनीकी रूप से जो जन्मस्थान हैं

वह हैं नीदरलैड यहा AT&T Corporation के NCR Corporation ने 802.11इस अविष्कार का निर्माण किया और इसका उद्देश यह था कि WaveLAN मे कॅशियर सिस्टम के साथ उपयोग करना था फिर NCR मे काम करने वाले Vic Hayes ने IEEE मे ही 802.11ब और 802.11अ नको बनाने के लिए डिझाईन बनाना शुरू कर दिया और फिर Wifi Now Hall of Fame मे इन दोनो को शामिल कर दिया

WiFi full form in Hindi में और आगे बढ़ते हैं। सबसे पहिला 802.11 का Version बनाया और यह काफी लोकप्रिय हो गया क्यो की 1997 मे यह 2 mbit/s link की speed मे बनाया था परंतु 1999 मे 802.11b के माध्यम से उसे 11 mbit/s link speed देने लगा फिर 1999 मे ही WiFi Alliance ने एक Trade Association बनाया जिसके जरीए Wifi Trademark के कही सारे उत्पाद को बेचा गया और आगे 1999 मे एक ऐसा समय आया

जब Apple Inc ने iBook लॅपटॉप मे Wifi को जोडते हुए Wifi Network कनेक्टिव्हिटी देने वाला सबसे पहला उत्पादक था तो आपको WiFi Full Form In Hindi मे Wifi का इतिहास क्या हैं यह पता चला होगा

अभी हम एक list को देखते हैं इस list को company की तरफ से प्रकाशित किया गया हैं

1) 802.11a – 54Mbps speed / 5 GHz bandwidth देता हैं

2) 802.11b – 120 feet Indoor रेंज देता हैं

3) 802.11n – 300Mbps speed / 2.4 GHz से 5 GHz देता हैं

4) 802.11an – 866.7Mbps speed / 5 GHz bandwidth देता हैं

5) 802.11g – 54Mbps speed / 2.4GHz और 300 outdoor रेंज देता हैं

Smart Phone / Computer / Laptop जैसे उपकरण 802.11g और 802.11b के जरीए Indoor के लिए 120 feets and Outdoor के लिये 300 feets तक रेंज आपको प्रदान करती हैं Internet को use करने के लिए

WiFi के अनुप्रयोग क्या हैं?

जैसे कि मैंने आपको पहले भी बताया कि आज के तेजी से बढते हुए युग में कहीं सारे घरों में और ऑफिसों में wifi का बहुत ज्यादा उपयोग किया जाता है और यह काफी आम बात है।

1) उपकरणों मे कही सारे फाईलों को एक उपकरण से दुसरे उपकरण मे ट्रान्सफर करने के लिए wifi का उपयोग होता है !

2) स्मार्टफोन , कम्प्युटर इन उपकरणों से आपके वायरलेस प्रिंटर को प्रिंटिंग फाईल भेजने के लिये वाय-फाय का उपयोग होता है !

3) आपके स्मार्टटीव्ही के लिए स्मार्टफोन को रिमोट कंट्रोल के रूप मे उपयोग करने के लिए वाय-फाय का उपयोग होता है !

4) मिराफास्ट फिचर से स्क्रीन रोयरिंग के लिए वाय-फाय का उपयोग होता है !

WiFi के पेशेवरों क्या हैं?

i) स्मार्टफोन / कंप्यूटर / लैपटॉप / टैबलेट / स्मार्टटीवी जैसे कही सारे उपकरणों को बहोत ही आसानी से कनेक्ट कर सकते हैं।

ii) वाईफाई को आप किसी भी केबल और तारों के बिना उपयोग करके इंटरनेट का लाभ ले सकते हैं।

iii) आज के समय में वाईफाई ज्यादा महंगा नहीं है और ज्यादा संसाधनों की भी आवश्यकता नहीं है।

WiFi के विपक्ष क्या हैं?

i) एक साथ कहीं उपकरण वाईफाई से कनेक्ट होने पर वाईफाई राउटर का इंटरनेट स्पीड slow हो जाती है

ii) एक वायफाय नेटवर्क तक पहुचना और सभी गतिविधियों को ट्रॅक करना काफी आसान होता है

WiFi के प्रकार कितने होते हैं?

WiFi full form in Hindi मे यह जानते है की वाय-फाय के प्रकार कितने होते है मूलरूप के सिर्फ तीन प्रकार के वाय-फाय नेटवर्क होते है कौनसे वह देखते है


WLANS:- वायरलेस लोकल एरिया नेटवर्क

WPANS:- वायरलेस पर्सनल एरिया नेटवर्क

WMANS:- वायरलेस महानगरीय क्षेत्र नेटवर्क

WWANS:- वायरलेस वाइड एरिया नेटवर्क

आपने WiFi full form in Hindi इस आर्टिकल को पूरा अच्छे से पढ़ लिया होगा। ऐसा मैं मानता हू तो इस आर्टिकल में हमने पहले जाना कि Wifi / Internet आज के पूरी दुनिया में कितना जरूरी है और इसके बिना रहना मुश्किल है। फिर हमने जाना कि WiFi full form in Hindi “वायरलेस फिडेलिटी” यह वाय-फाय का फुल फॉर्म होता है

परंतु असल मे वाय-फाय यह सिर्फ एक ब्रांड का नाम है फिर हमने जाना की वाय-फाय का इतिहास क्या है वाय-फाय का अविष्कार किस देश मे हू और धीरे धीरे वाय-फाय मे किस तरह बदलाव होता गया यह भी देखा Wifi के अनुप्रयोग क्या है यह देखा वाय-फाय के पेशेवरों क्या है

Wifi के विपक्ष क्या है यह देखा फिर वाय-फाय के प्रकार कितने होते है यह भी देखा तो यह सब जानकारी को पढने के बाद Wifi को लेकर जो सवाल आपके दिमाग मे था उस सवाल का जवाब आपको WiFi Full Form In Hindi इस Article मे मिल गया होगा ऐसे मानता हू तो और भी कही ऐसी टेक्निकली जानकारी के लिए हमारे साथ बने रहीए

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What is full form of Wifi? In 2021

What Is Full Form Of Wifi

What Is Full Form Of Wifi? In 2021

We are going to give information about What Is Full Form Of Wifi? a topic that is used every day in the whole world, so it would not be wrong to say that the bagger of this can be difficult even a second in today’s time. Know what that topic is, whose name is Wi-Fi, the Internet is running on the Internet and Wi-Fi all over the world today, so we are going to know in this article that Wi-Fi is used in our home or office.

What Is Full Form Of Wifi?

What Is Full Form Of Wifi

What Is Full Form Of Wifi? But did not know the full form, but the interesting thing was this, people who knew him used Wi-Fi in their home or office, but still, they did not know his full form. But today I am going to help you understand what is the answer to this question because I have found it after searching a lot, then I am going to share all the same information with you.

Right now we know the What Is Full Form Of Wifi? and we also see some information about Wi-Fi. What is full form of Wifi is “Wireless Fidelity” but Wifi is the name of a company brand in 1998 Wi-Fi The company called Alliance created a wireless gadget that provided speed internet networks to wireless devices that function like radio waves like a smartphone today, Dish Antina does this and Wifi Wireless Local Area Network which gives us speed to the internet You can run computers/mobiles/tablets and other devices that connect to the internet?

Wi-Fi is considered an IEEE 802.11x trademark because Wi-Fi does not have a full form but is a major company or Wireless Fidelity or name is promoted under what Is Full Form Of Wifi but this is not true

To tell you that when Wi-Fi is used, only 66 feet means up to 20 meters of distance, any of your equipment can be connected through a hotspot. If your device is outside this distance then you can use Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is an electronic gadget that helps ISM Radio Frequency to transfer any data from one place to another.

history of WiFi

In 1971, ALOHA and ALOHAnet introduced Ethernet, then IEEE 802.11 and Federal Communication. The U.S Commission published an ISM band for using unsecured in 1985. Who do you know is the birthplace of wifi?

I do not know what I will tell you in full form Wifi, the technical birthplace of Wifi is the NCR Corporation of AT&T Corporation in the Netherlands where 802.11 created this innovation and it was intended that with the cashier system in WaveLAN Vic Hayes, who works in NCR, started designing for making 802.11b and 802.11a in IEEE itself and then added both of them to the wifi Now Hall of Fame.

What is full form proceed in Wifi? First made version 802.11 and it became very popular because in 1997 it was built at 2 Mbit / s link speed but in 1999 it started giving it 11 Mbit / s link speed through 802.11b,

then in 1999 only Wifi Alliance Created a Trade Association through which all the products of the Wifi Trademark were sold, and in 1999 there was a time when Apple Inc was the first manufacturer to provide Wifi Network connectivity by connecting Wifi to iBook laptop. What is the history of Wifi?

Now we see a list This list has been published by the company.

1) 802.11a – 54Mbps speed / 5 GHz bandwidth

2) 802.11b – 120 feet Indoor range gives

3) 802.11n – 300Mbps speed / 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz

4) 802.11an – 866.7Mbps speed / 5 GHz bandwidth

5) 802.11g – 54Mbps speed / 2.4GHz and gives 300 outdoor range

Devices like Smart Phone / Computer / Laptop for 802.11g. and 802.11b. for Indoor range, up to 120 feet for Indoor and 300 feet for Outdoor gives you access to the Internet.

What are the applications of WiFi?

Like I told you earlier, in today’s fast-growing era, wifi is used very much in all houses and offices and it is quite common.

1) wifi is used to transfer all files from one device to another device,

2) smartphones, computers use wifi to send printing files from these devices to your wireless printer

3) your Wi-Fi is used to use the smartphone as a remote control for SmartTV.

4) Wi-Fi is used for screen roaring from the Miracast feature.

What are the Pros of WiFi?

i) You can easily connect all the devices like Smartphone / Computer / Laptop / Tablet / SmartTV.

ii) You can take advantage of the internet using wifi without any cables and wires.

iii) In today’s time WiFi is not very expensive and does not require many resources.

What are the Cons of WiFi?

i) Internet speed of WiFi router slows down when the device is connected to WiFi simultaneously.

ii) It is quite easy to access a WiFi network and track all activities.

What are the types of WiFi?

What is full form Wifi It is known that how many types of Wi-Fi are there?


WLANS :- Wireless Local Area Network

WPANS :- Wireless Personal Area Network

WMANS :- Wireless Metropolitan Area Network

WWANS :- Wireless Wide Area Network

You must have read this article thoroughly what is full form Wifi. If I believe this, then in this article we first learned how important Wifi / Internet is in today’s world and it is difficult to live without it. Then we found out what is full form Wifi “Wireless Fidelity” This is the full form of Wi-Fi but Wi-Fi is just a brand name.

Then we learned what is the history of Wi-Fi. In which country the innovation took place and how the Wi-Fi has changed gradually, it has also seen what is the application of Wifi, what is the pros of Wi-Fi, what is the cons of Wifi, and then how many types of Wi-Fi are there? Having seen all this information,

after reading all this information, you must have got the answer to the question that was in your mind regarding Wifi, so I believe if you remain with us for such technical information anywhere else.

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WCR Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2021 Salary Full Details

WCR Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2021 Salary

WCR Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2021 Salary

WCR Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2021 Salary – 561 Act Apprentice Vacancy – Last Date 27 February– West Central Railway invites application for the posts of 561 Act Apprentice Vacancy – Last Date 27 February

WCR Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2021 Salary – 561 Act Apprentice Vacancy – Last Date 27 February Interested Candidate can apply online .for this post candidate Must 15 years & maximum of 24 years Notification, relaxation in age will be admissible to Divine Body applicant Various posts

The candidate should have passed 10th Standard with ITI in relevant trade.. see all details in the official notification WCR Apprentice Notification 2021 – 561 Act Apprentice Vacancy – Last Date 27 February salary- Qualification,-eligibility- criteria. For Sarkari Result, Exam Date, Admit Card, Answer Key, and other important details from time to time on this page only.

First Read Full Official Notification (link Given In Above Table) then apply for these posts thank you for Reading this Article Please Save this page Bookmarks For Upcoming Latest Govt’s Jobs Opportunity.

West Central Railway Apprentice Vacancy 2021 Details

 Post NameNo Of VacancyPay Scale
Apprentice561Not Specified

West Central Railway Apprentice Trade Wise Vacancy Details

TradeNo. of Vacancy
Diesel Mechanic35
Welder (Gas & Electronics)30
Florist & Landscaping02
Pump Operator Cum Mechanic20
Horticulture Assistant05
Information Communication Technology System Maintenance05
Stenographer (Hindi)07
Stenographer (English)08
Apprentice Food Production (General)02
Apprentice Food Production (Vegetarian)02
Apprentice Food Production (Cooking)05
Hotel Clerk/ Receptionist01
Digital Photographer01
Asst Front Officer Manager01
Computer Networking Technician04
Creche Management Asst01
Secretarial Asst04
House Keeper07
Health Sanitary Inspector02
Dental Laboratory Technician02

WCR Apprentice Notification 2021 Important Dates

Starting Date for Submission of Online Application28 January 2021
Last Date for Submission of Online Application27 February 2021

WCR Apprentice Eligibility Criteria

Educational QualificationAge Limit
The candidate should have passed 10th Standard with ITI in relevant trade.15 to 24 years
Age Calculate on 01.01.2021

West Central Railway Apprentice Application Fee

For Gen/OBC170/-Pay Application fee through cash at MP Online KIOSK online mode (Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Internet Banking)
For EWS/SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates70/-

How to Apply WCR Apprentice Vacancy 2021

Interested candidates may apply this Sarkari Naukri Online through the official Website http://mponline.gov.in from 28.01.2021 to 27.02.2021
Job Location: Bhopal  (Madhya Pradesh)
Selection Process: Selection will be based on Merit.

WCR Apprentice Notification 2021 Important Links

Detail Notification LinkClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
West Central Railway RecruitmentOfficial Website

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DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Apply Online 62-Posts Apprentice Vacancy

DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021 apply online 62-posts apprentice Vacancy Sarkari Naukri
Candidates for these posts will be selected on the basis of merit.  Selected candidates will be notified via e-mail.
According to the notification issued by Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), 39 posts of Technician (Diploma) Apprentice are vacant. 

Indian Railways Recruitments 2021 Apply Online | 374 Post’s 10th Pass & ITI Vacancy

Indian Railways Recruitments 2021 Apply Online | 374 Post’s 10th Pass & ITI Vacancy Sarkari Naukri
Indian Railways has recruited a large number of vacancies for 10th pass candidates. According to the notification issued by the Railways, 10th pass candidates can also apply for these posts.The last date to apply for these posts is February 15, 2021.

Under the Railway Recruitment Notice, Apprentice is to be appointed to 374 posts. For 300 posts of Apprentice ITI, it is necessary for the candidates to pass 10th with 50% marks and also to pass ITI.Click for Full DetailsAdd Button

Latest Jobs requirements 2021

Read Full Official Notification (link Given In Above Table) then apply for these posts thank you for Reading this Article Please Save this page’s Bookmarks For the Upcoming Latest Govt’s Jobs Opportunity. Interested candidates can apply for these posts if you are looking for a job opportunity WCR Apprentice Jobs Recruitment 2021 Salary

UPSC ka full form | UPSC Full Form Hindi

UPSC Ka Full Form

UPSC Full Form Hindi | UPSC Ka Full Form क्या है, UPSC के बारे में पूरी जानकारी अब हिंदी में

आज हम एक National level की संस्था के बारे में जानकारी लेने वाले है यह संस्था कही बडे बडे National level के Exam करती है तो इस Article मे हम UPSC Ka Full Formक्या है यह जानेंगे और UPSC से जुडी और कही जानकारी को भी हम इस आर्टिकल मे देखने वाले है.

UPSC यह एक small नाम है इसका पूरा नाम थोडा लंबा है जिसको याद रखना और बोलना थोडा मुश्किल होता है इसीलिये शॉट नाम से बोला जाता है अपने कभी National level और state level का Exam दिया होगा या देने का सोच रहे होंगे तो आपको बताऊ की National level or State level के सभी Exam देने के लिए एक बडी संस्था का होना जरुरी होता है

इन संस्था के जरीये ही बडे level की Exam लिये जाते है तो ऐसे ही UPSC यह संस्था हैं तो चलिये हम इस संस्था के बारे मे और विशेष जानकारी भी UPSC UPSC Ka Full Formमे देखते हैं

UPSC Ka Full Form

अभी हमने देखा कि UPSC यह संस्था कितनी महत्वपूर्ण हैं और इसका महत्व क्या है? अभी हम UPSC full form Hindi क्या होता है, यह देखते हैं। “संघ लोक सेवा आयोग” यहUPSC Ka Full Form होता है। अंग्रेजी में इसे “Union Public Service Commission” ऐसे लिखते हैं। यह वह संस्था है जो नेशनल लेवल के कही बड़े Exams का आयोजन करती है। इस संस्था के जरिए ही हम नेशनल लेवल की Exams दे सकते हैं।

UPSC के इतिहास को जानते हैं

क्या आप UPSC के इतिहास के बारे में जानते हैं? अगर जानते हैं तो बहुत अच्छा है और अगर नहीं जानते तो मैं आपको इसके बारे में बताता हूं। सन 1854 के समय में ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने भारत में मेरिट के आधार पर सिविल सेवा परीक्षा का प्रारंभ किया था। परंतु यह भारतीय सिविल सेवा परीक्षा सिर्फ लंदन में आयोजित होती थी और इन परीक्षाओं को पाठ्यक्रम भी इस तरह बनाया गया था कि सिर्फ ब्रिटिश उमेदवारी ही इस परीक्षाओं में उत्तीर्ण हो सकते थे।

परंतु हमारे देश भारत देश में कहीं विद्वान और बुद्धिमान लोग हैं कि सन 1864 में श्री: रविंद्रनाथ टैगोर के भाई श्री: सत्येंद्रनाथ टैगोर। वह पहिले भारतीय थे जिनोने इस परीक्षा को उत्तीर्ण किया था प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के बाद इन भारतीय सिविल सेवा परीक्षाओं को हमारे भारत देश मे आयोजित करना सुरू हुआ और

फिर कही साल के बाद 1 अक्टूबर 1926 मे भारत मे पहली बार लोक सेवा आयोग मतलब Public Service Commission (PSC) को स्थापन किया गया और रॉस बार्कर आयोग के सबसे पहिले अध्यक्ष थे फिर सन 1950 मै भारत सरकार की धारा के तहत लोक सेवा आयोग का नाम बदल कर संघ लोक सेवा आयोग कर दिया गया आपको भारत मे IPS और IAS बनाना है तो आपको UPSC संस्था Exam देना होगा और मुख्य बात है कि UPSC Grade A / Grade B के अधिकारीयों के सेवा नियुक्ती के लिए काम करती है अभी तक UPSC Ka Full Form मे हमने जो जानकारी देखी है वह आपको समझ आयी होगी

U – Union – संघ
P – Public – लोक
S – Service – सेवा
C – Commission – आयोग

UPSC क्या हैं

Level और Level B के कर्मचारियों को भर्ती करने के लिए स्वतंत्र संघटन का निर्माण किया गया उसे ही UPSC मतलब संघ लोक सेवा आयोग कहते है

अभी हम देखते है कि UPSC मे कोनसे कोन से पद आते है

UPSC – Union Public Service Commission “संघ लोक सेवा आयोग” मे भारत सरकार को सेवा देने वाले कही अलग-अलग विभाग है तो उन विभाग को जानते है

i) भारतीय पोलिस सेवा – IPS – Indian Police Service
ii) भारतीय विदेश सेवा – IFS – Indian Foreign Service
iii) भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा – IAS – Indian Administrative Service
iv) भारतीय राजस्व सेवा – IRS – Indian Revenue Service

आदि पदों के लिए Exams और भर्तीयां की जाती है कही सारे क्षेत्रो में Level A और Level B के अधिकारियों के लिये भर्ती परीक्षा UPSC मे आयोजित कि जाती है और हर प्रति वर्ष सिविल सेवा के लिए परीक्षायें होती है

UPSC के कार्य क्या हैं यह जानते हैं

UPSC full form Hindi मे हम UPSC के क्या कार्य होते है यह जानते है भारतीय संविधान के अनुसार अनुच्छेद 320 के तहत सिविल सेवाओं के भर्ती की जिम्मेदारी UPSC को दि गई है और उसी अनुच्छेद के अंतर्गत इस प्रकार के कार्य UPSC करता हैं

• भारत सरकार के अलग अलग पदों की भर्ती के लिए नियमों को तयार करना यह UPSC का कार्य हैं

• सेवाओं की नियुक्ती के लिए UPSC मे परीक्षा का आयोजन करणा यह UPSC का कार्य हैं

• सिविल सेवा में अनुशासनिक मामलों को देखना यह UPSC का कार्य हैं

• अधिकारियों की भरती प्रतिनियुक्ती – अमिलन – प्रोन्नति के जरीऐ करना यह UPSC का कार्य हैं

• प्रषित मामले में भारत को सरकार की स्पष्टता देना UPSC का कार्य हैं

यह सारे कार्य “संघ लोक सेवा आयोग” (UPSC) को करने होते है और यह कार्य UPSC बहुत अच्छे से करती है

प्रतिवर्ष कही लाखो उम्मिदवार यह UPSC की परीक्षाऍ देते है तो UPSC full form in Hindi में उन परीक्षाओं को जानते है की वह कोन कोनसी परीक्षाऍ होती है

UPSC मे आयोजित होने वाली परीक्षाऍ इस प्रकार की हैं

i) नौसेना अकादमी परीक्षा –

ii) संयुक्त रक्षा सेवा परीक्षा –

iii) स्पेशल क्लास रेलवे अपरेंटिस –

iv) भारतीय वन सेवा परीक्षा –

v) भारतीय आर्थिक सेवा / भारतीय सांख्यिकीय सेवा परीक्षा –

vi) राष्ट्रीय रक्षा अकादमी परीक्षा –

vii) केंद्रीय सशस्त्र पुलिस बल –

viii) संयुक्त चिकित्सा सेवा परीक्षा –

ix) इंजीनियरिंग सेवा परीक्षा –

UPSC भर्ती किस प्रकार होती है यह जानते है

अगर आप UPSC की भर्ती परीक्षा देना चाहते है तो उसके बारे मे जाना बहुत जरुरी है UPSC full form Hindi मे जानते हैं इस परीक्षा के तीन चरण होते है
परंतु सबसे पहले आप 10 class उत्तीर्ण होने के बाद Graduates पूरा करना जरुरी है या अगर आपने Graduate नही किया है पर आप UPSC परीक्षा देना चाहते हैं तो आपको Graduate के लास्ट सेमिस्टर मे प्रवेश होना जरुरी है

1) Prelims
2) Mains
3) Personality Tests

इन तीन चरण को पूरा करने के बाद ही आप सरकारी विभागों मे अधिकारी बन सकते है

1) Prelims परीक्षा का Pattern इस तरह का होता हैं

i) General Studies – I / Objective – Types / 100 – Question / 200 – Marks / 2 Hours Duration

ii) General Studies (CSAT) – II / Objective Types / 80 – Question / 200 – Marks / 2 Hours Duration

2) Mains परीक्षा का Pattern इस तरह का होता हैं

UPSC परीक्षा को जानते हैं

जब कोई उम्मिदवार Prelims परीक्षा को उत्तीर्ण हो जाता है वही उम्मिदवार Mains परीक्षा को दे सकता है और Mains की परीक्षा मे 9 पेपर होते है और सारे के सारे पेपर वर्णनात्मक प्रकार के होते है जब आप Prelims Qualified होते है तो उसके 5 से 7 दिनो मे Mains की परीक्षा होती है इस परीक्षा के हर पेपर मे 25% कम से कम मार्क्स उत्तीर्ण होने के लिए मिलने चाहिये

1) पेपर-A
क्वालीफाइंग उम्मीदवार भारतीय भाषा में से एक चुन सकता हैं – 300 marks

2) पेपर-B
क्वालीफाइंग अंग्रेजी भाषा – 300 marks

3) पेपर-I
निबंध – 250 Marks

4) पेपर-II
सामान्य अध्ययन-I
भारतीय विरासत और संस्कृति, विश्व और समाज का इतिहास और भूगोल – 250 Marks

5) पेपर-III
सामान्य अध्ययन-II
शासन, संविधान, राजनीति, सामाजिक न्याय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध – 250 Marks

6) पेपर-IV
सामान्य अध्ययन -III
प्रौद्योगिकी, आर्थिक विकास, जैव-विविधता, पर्यावरण, सुरक्षा और आपदा प्रबंधन – 250 Marks

7) पेपर-V
सामान्य अध्ययन -IV
(नैतिकता, अखंडता और एप्टीट्युड) – 2
50 अंक -250 Marks

8) पेपर-VI
वैकल्पिक विषय का पेपर 1 – 250 Marks

9) पेपर-VII वैकल्पिक विषय का पेपर 2 – 250 Marks

3) Personality Tests इस तरह का होता हैं

जो उम्मिदवार Prelims परीक्षा Mains परीक्षा यह दोनों भी परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण हो जाते है तो अभी अंतिम चरण प्रक्रिया है इस मे आपको Personali Interview लिया जाता है और वह कैसे होता हैं यह UPSC full form Hindi मे देखते हैं इसमे आपको दो भाषाओं का ऑप्शन दिया जाता है

जिसमे अंग्रेजी और हिंदी इन मे से कोई भी एक भाषा को आप चुन सकते है उस भाषा मे ही आपको कही अलग अलग तरह के Question पूछे जाते है और उसके 750 मार्क्स आपको दिये जाते है यह तीन चरण को आप उत्तीर्ण कर लेते है तो आप एक सरकारी अधिकारी बन सकते है और आपका मनचाहा सरकारी जॉब हासिल कर सकते है

UPSC Exam के लिए उम्र की मर्यादा क्या हैं

i) अगर आप General / OBC मे आते हो तो आपकी उम्र 20 वर्षे से 32 वर्ष तक होगी तो आप UPSC परीक्षा दे सकते है

ii) अगर आप SC / ST मे आते हो तो आपकी उम्र 21 वर्ष से लेकर 37 वर्ष तक होगी तो आप UPSC परीक्षा दे सकते है

iii) अगर आप Others मे आते है तो आपकी उम्र 21 वर्षे से 35 वर्ष तक होगी तो आप UPSC परीक्षा दे सकते हैं

UPSC Ka Full Form इस पुरे आर्टिकल मे आपको UPSC Ka Full Form “संघ लोक सेवा आयोग” होता हैं यह पता चला है और UPSC संस्था का इतिहास क्या है किस तरह UPSC की स्थापना कब और कैसे हुई इसकी जानकारी मिली हैं UPSC के पद कौन से होते है यह पता चला है UPSC का क्या कार्य होता है

यह जानकारी मिली है UPSC की परीक्षा कितने चरणों मे होती है यह भी पता चलगया होगा और इस परीक्षा को देने के लिए उम्मीदवार के कास्ट के मुताबिक उमेदवार की उम्र क्या होनी चाहिये यह भी आपने देखा तो यह सब जानकारी से आपको बहुत उपयोग होगा और आपके किसी जान पहचान वालों को यह जानकारी से फायदा हो सकता है तो यह आर्टिकल उनको Share जरुर करे

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UPSC full form in English | UPSC Full Information

UPSC Full Form In English

UPSC Full Form In English | UPSC Full Information

Today we are going to get information about a national level institution, this institution examines the national level in a big way, so in this article, we will know what is the UPSC full form in English and we will also get the information related to the UPSC.

In the article, UPSC is a small name, its full name is a bit long, which is difficult to remember and speak, so it is said by the name of shot, you must have given or are thinking of giving examination of national level and state level.

So to tell you that it is necessary to have a large institution to give all the exams at the national level or state level; These level examinations are conducted at the same level through these institutions, so UPSC is such an institution, so let’s talk about this institution See more specific information in UPSC full form in English

what is the full form of UPSC?

Now we have seen how important are the UPSC institutions and what is their importance? Now we see what is UPSC full form in English. “Union Public Service Commission” This is UPSC full form in English. In Hindi, it is written as “Sangh Lok Seva Aayog” It is an organization that organizes large exams anywhere at the national level. Only through this institution can we give Exams of National Level.

Know the History of UPSC

Do you know the history of UPSC? If you know then it is very good and if you do not know, let me tell you about it. In 1854, the British East India Company started the Civil Services Examination in India based on merit. But this Indian Civil Service Examination was held only in London and the syllabus for these examinations was also made in such a way that only British candidates could pass this examination.

But somewhere in our country of India, there are scholars and wise people that in 1864, Mr: Satyendranath Tagore, brother of Mr: Ravindranath Tagore. He was the first Indian to pass this exam, after the First World War, it began to conduct these Indian Civil Service Examinations in our country of India and then the first year in India on 1 October 1926 Public Service Commission (PSC).

Was established and Ross Barker was the first Chairman of the Commission, then in 1950, under the Government of India, the name of the Public Service Commission was changed to “Union Public Service Commission”.

You will have to take an examination from the institution and the main thing is that UPSC works for the service appointment of Grade A / Grade B officers, so far you have understood the information we have seen in UPSC full form in English.

U – Union – Sangh
P – Public – Lok
S – Service – Seva
C – Commission – Aayog

What is UPSC?

An independent union was created to recruit Level and Level B employees, it is called UPSC which means Union Public Service Commission.

Now we see which posts come from which cones in UPSC

UPSC – Union Public Service Commission has different departments serving the Government of India, so know those departments

i) Indian Police Service – IPS
ii) Indian Foreign Service – IFS
iii) Indian Administrative Service – IAS
iv) Indian Revenue Service – IRS

Exams and recruitments are done for the posts etc. Recruitment examinations for officers of Level A and Level B are held in UPSC and examinations for civil services every year.

What are the functions of UPSC?

In UPSC full form in English, we know the functions of UPSC are, according to the Constitution of India, UPSC has been given the responsibility of recruitment of civil services under Article 320 and UPSC performs such tasks under the same article

• It is the job of UPSC to decide the rules for the recruitment of different posts of the Government of India.

• It is the job of UPSC to conduct the examination in UPSC for the appointment of services.

• It is the duty of UPSC to look into disciplinary matters in the civil service.

• Recruitment of officers on Deputation – Amilan – the Release of promotions, it is the job of UPSC

• The task of UPSC is to give clarity to the Government of India in the matter of transmission.

All these tasks have to be done by the “Union Public Service Commission” (UPSC) and UPSC does this work very well.

Every year lakhs of candidates give this UPSC exam, so in UPSC full form in English, know those exams, which are those exams?

The examinations conducted in UPSC are as follows

i) Naval Academy Examination –

ii) Combined Defense Services Examination –

iii) Special Class Railway Apprentice –

iv) Indian Forest Service Examination –

v) Indian Economic Service / Indian Statistical Service Examination –

vi) National Defense Academy Examination –

vii) Central Armed Police Force –

viii) Combined Medical Services Examination –

ix) Engineering Services Examination –

Who is eligible for the UPSC exam?

If you want to take the UPSC recruitment exam then it is very important to know about UPSC in full form in English, there are three stages of this exam.
But first of all, you have to complete Graduates after passing 10 classes or if you have not done Graduate but you want to take UPSC exam then you must be admitted to the last semester of Graduate.

1) Prelims
2) Mains
3) Personality Tests

Only after completing these three steps can you become an officer in government departments.

1) The pattern of the Prelims exam is like this

i) General Studies – I / Objective Types -100 Question – 200 Marks – 2 Hours Duration.

ii) General Studies – II / Objective Types – 80 Question – 200 Marks – 2 Hours Duration.

2) Mains exam pattern is like this

In UPSC full form in English, when a candidate passes the Prelims exam, the same candidate can appear for Mains exam and Mains exam has 9 papers and all the papers are of descriptive type when you are qualified Prelims. If there is a Mains exam in 5 to 7 days, then at least 25% marks should be obtained in every paper of this exam to pass.

1) Paper-A
Qualifying candidates can choose one in the Indian language – 300 marks

2) Paper-B
Qualifying English Language – 300 marks

3) Paper-I
Essay – 250 Marks

4) Paper-II
General Studies-I
Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society – 250 Marks

5) Paper-III
General Studies-II
Governance, Constitution, Politics, Social Justice and International Relations – 250 Marks

6) Paper-IV
General Studies -III
Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management – 250 Marks

7) Paper-V
General Studies -IV
(Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude) – 2
50 Marks – 250 Marks

8) Paper-VI
Elective Subject Paper 1 – 250 Marks

optional subject Paper 2 – 250 Marks

3) Personality Tests are like this

Candidates who have passed both the Prelims Exam Mains Examination, both of them are in the final stage, then the final step in the process, in this you are taken Personal Interview and how it happens in UPSC full form in English, in this you are given the option of two languages.

In which English and Hindi, you can choose any one of these languages, in that language, you are asked different types of questions and 750 marks are given to you, if you pass the three steps, then You can become a government official and get the government job you want.

What is the age limit for UPSC Exam?

i) If you come to General / OBC, then you will be from 20 years to 32 years, then you can take the UPSC exam.

ii) If you come to SC / ST, then your age will be from 21 years to 37 years, then you can take the UPSC exam.

iii) If you come in others, then your age will be from 21 years to 35 years, then you can take the UPSC exam.

UPSC full form in English In this entire article, you are known as UPSC full form in English “Union Public Service Commission” It is revealed and what is the history of UPSC organization, how UPSC was established, and how it was received.

What are the posts of UPSC, it has been known that what is the work of UPSC, it has been found that in how many stages of the UPSC exam is it will also be known and what is the age of the candidate according to the cast of the candidate to give this exam.

If you have seen this too, then you will have a lot of use with all this information, and any of your acquaintances can benefit from this information, so do share this article with them.

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MLM full form | Full Details Of MLM

MLM Full Form | Full Details Of MLM

MLM Full Form | Full Details Of MLM

Hello, how are you hope that all of you will be very good, so today we are going to talk about a topic? You must have heard the term MLM form someone somewhere. Only then you are reading this article, so today we take information about MLM full form.

Today, the population of our country is second in the world. That is why unemployment in our country is also high. In recent times, all the young men are well educated. Still, they are not getting a job. This is the reality, do you believe that yes, at such a time, many people find different ways to earn money so that they can get a good income.

Some people want to work from home, and at that time they start looking for ways to earn online on the Internet, but there are very few such things online which allow you to earn money right.

It may be that some men are doing jobs or some women are handling their families. But all these people are looking at earning an extra or part-time while handling their jobs and family.

Only then they get an acquaintance person who tells them that you can earn very good money by managing your family or working in MLM along with your job. Or by searching on the internet, it is known that you can earn money form MLM, but if you do not know MLM full, then I will tell you MLM full form and also give you much information related to MLM, so do not take much time. We start today’s topic.

Now we see what it’s full form. “Multi-Level Marketing” This is MLM full form which MLM is also known by the people like Direct Selling / Network Marketing / Referral Marketing / Joining System. In MLM also many different companies. Some continue to grow their own business, sell their products and services to the people by the people, and sell the products and services as a commission to the people on Selling.

The plan to work in MLM is like this when you start working in MLM, then you are joining MLM by one person who is already joining your MLM company which is called MLM leader in MLM business language. And when you join an MLM company, you have to buy the products or services of that company in its beginning.

These are the first steps of MLM. After these steps, your work starts right now, you will get money form this work. What is the work? When you joined the products and services that you bought, in the same way, now you have to sell the same products and services to other people, and you have to join 2 people in your down.

Now your 2 people have sold those products and services. Purchased means that the company in which you have joined their products and services, you have sold them, therefore you will be given money as a commission, then those 2 people will join themselves and 2-2 people further, they will also get a commission and you will also be re-commissioned. In this way, people will join further and buy products and services, then your commission will also increase and come. In Rake Down, you will become a great team MLM full form we move forward.

The rules and regulations of every company are according to that company. When a new person joins your team, then he/she joins the bottom position. Now to earn his money too, you have to do the same thing that you did, by getting all these people with your relatives/neighbors/job partners/friends/acquaintances or by calling them in a big seminar of the company to show them the characteristics of the product and service.

If you have any questions about this, then you have to answer them, so if there are people of recognition, then you can join immediately by relying on your words, but it is not so easy to keep this in mind, so at the time of initiation in MLM more Mlm full form then proceed to work

Whether it is a sportsman, a businessman, or a politician, it is necessary to MLM full form every person in any field, he has a coach or a mentor behind him. Every successful person recommends that “work with a coach” because if you have a coach who is advising you and keeping an eye on you, you can reach your goal many times sooner.

Can reach According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the counselor is a reliable guide and mentor. A counselor helps you in many ways,

• Answers your questions and doubts
• Help set your goal
• He gives you emotional support and advice
He stands with you as a friend and well-wisher
• He inspires you to achieve as much as you can.

Many researchers have also proved that if you have a good mentor then your chances of success increase many times. Well, you have to pay millions of rupees to work with a good coach, but you do not have to spend millions of rupees to know this in MLM full form, your upline will help you reach the destination by becoming a good coach for your growth But works side by side with you and does not charge even a rupee for it

1) In MLM, there is no boss nor any big setup. You are your boss and you are responsible for your success. You will get to read all this form MLM full . Almost everyone starts their business as a part-time business and your family and your current business or job keeps you busy. In these situations, if you have a mentor who advises, helps, and motivates you in difficult situations, in conflict, in times of despair, you can succeed quickly.

2) MLM is not a physics-like subject where it is necessary to be a bookie, it is like learning a game or music, where we should keep practicing before someone. At such a time, only a good guru can play the role of that person. He must remember that counseling is a work that has always been overlooked. Because counseling is available for free in MLM, it does not give that much attention. But still, you always need a guru, except when your business is not doing well or has been staying for a few days. Therefore, find a conscious and developing upline for yourself and make it your mentor. Be completely devoted to your mentor and plan and work on it with them.

Know how to succeed in MLM

In the beginning, we saw how many people are there with education. They are sitting vacant without taking that education degree and certificate, they are not getting any good job. In this situation, to earn money, it is very important to have no other option other than a job, that’s why MLM (Network Marketing / Direct Selling) for a long time. The name is coming in very much discussion and the Government of India has also made some laws regarding MLM, due to which it can move ahead with the industry and well, now we will know the things form MLM full form which you will get success in MLM Will to get

i) Before joining any MLM company, it is very important to have all the information about that company, if the company is fake or not, it is also important to go, so check the recognition of that company, blindly trust the company at the behest of anyone.

Everyone has very good technology today, which you can easily extract all the information such as where is the Head Office of the company, the company was ever established, who is the owner of the company, what is their family background, the company is recognized by the government Whether or not the company is form India or is outside India, go to the seminar of that company, get information about the big leaders, or get information form the newly connected people

ii) After joining the company, befriend the people associated with the meeting / Seminar of the company. Understand their working methods and learn them

iii) Understand the company’s plan well and try to learn that plan so that you can show your plan to others.

iv) When 2 people join your Down and join more people then your team grows. That is why Motivating your team well form time to time. Meeting every team member, talking to them, teaching them work and working together with them, and explaining the plan to new people, it will remain of interest to work in your team.

v) Never lie to the people in your team, whatever is the matter, keep it truthfully in front of everyone so that the trust of the people should speak lovingly to all the people who are building on you, only then people will respect you.

Mastery and mastery

You have to take ownership within yourself that you will constantly improve yourself and be the kind of person you want to be. For this, you will have to participate in programs and buy and read the books mentioned in this regard. You will also get information from MLM full form.

Many people think that training programs and tools are a kind of expense, but the reality is that It is an investment, not an expense of any kind, that you make for your development. Empower your team through books, skills, and training programs. Many times when you give your book or tools to someone, they do not come back to you, it is also a part of the business.

You buy more tools than you need, you also need them for your team. If you get a new good distributor every month through this, then your money will be recovered. So keep reinvesting in yourself and your business regularly.
Owning your business is your absolute and most important responsibility. You take ownership of your business truly when you stop blaming others for its success and failure and most of the people who fail to build a big business read MLM full form to run their business.

They do it with the thinking of the employee, but if you want to build a big business, then you have to work with the idea of ​​ownership and it will take your business much further
In MLM full form, further knowledge of mastery and mastery goes together. To take full ownership of the business one must master the basics of the business.

The basics of network marketing business are very simple, so everyone can do this business successfully. The only need is’ to carry out basic activities continuously showing business plan, handling questions and objections, follow up, registration, details of products, details of business tools, willingness to learn business systems and business ethics, etc., and constant practice Once you become proficient in these activities, your business will take a big form

Master the use of tools. The best network marketers consider the use of good tools more than showing their knowledge or skills. Instead of telling their things, they tell the presentation or things of other people. The best leaders never describe themselves as experts, inviting people to tell them about the business and product using other famous people’s books, videos, or other tools (third party tools).

The best network marketers bring enthusiasm, trust, and conviction. Their energy and commitment are infectious. Make passion, trust, and conviction your priority, invite people with faith and let third-party tools work.

What are the benefits of doing MLM?

When you start in MLM, you start MLM only to earn money, but apart form money, do you know the advantages of doing MLM? It is a very good thing to know, and if you do not know, then in MLM full form I tell you what are the advantages of working in MLM.

i) Team Work Skills : – In MLM no single person can move forward, each one has to work together with the team because the system of MLM is teamwork. In MLM how do you manage different people together? And people get a chance to know the idea.

ii) Time Management Skills : – People go out for entertainment in their spare time or go to watch movies with the family. In this way, you waste your time, but after joining MLM, you will understand what is the value of one second, then you can manage your free time very well and learn to use it properly.

iii) Better Communications Skills: – Before starting MLM you only talk to people you know. Then those normal things happen but after starting MLM you have to meet different people somewhere. Have to talk to them. They have to explain the plan. If they have any questions, then they have to answer them and how do you talk by doing this work every day. What to talk point to point to how to talk If you keep learning this slowly, then your communication skills become better.

iv) Helping Nature: – It is very important in MLM because it helps only by helping each other, when you help the people below your team, they will help them to work where they will need your help. If you always help them, then they will also benefit themselves, your income will also increase and your relationship with them will also be strong and he will always listen to you. You will do what you say.

Communication and relationships

Equal communication in upline and downline is the first part of the business. It is important to go to MLM full form our business pace is modesty. Every person is different, every meeting is also different and things change very quickly in our business. The upline and downline should always know what is happening in the team and with the team people.

The same team becomes very good, where upline and downline talk to each other every day, especially the first few months of business. Communication is the basis of any relationship and this keeps both the relationship and the business alive. We can start relationships and move on at any time, but they become necessary when things are not going well. I have experienced that when times are tough, the first people who leave are not doing well and have little interaction. Communication makes a business strong and sustainable.

Elevate people – become a source of energy. Become a campaigner of hope and positivity. Make people better than you and send them. Our only resource in MLM business is people and whatever we do, we are with them. Every conversation with him increases our trust, hope, positivity, and trust in us. Talking in MLM full form helps you to strengthen your dreams and get out of trouble and rejection. Whether it is a personal meeting or a phone call, leave an impression of your activism on the people you talk to. Do everything possible to praise people. When talking to people, don’t judge them, try to understand them.

Remember that building and following a relationship is an art and it will give you everything in life. You are as good as you are right now in this art, but there is always a possibility to become better at it. Make your exit by adding a relationship.

How to choose any MLM company

If you want to succeed in MLM, then it is very important to choose a good company and how to do it. Know this in MLM full form. If you have ever mistakenly joined the wrong company, which is not valid or whose business plan is different from the rules of the government or the product and service of the company is not good, then there is no point in working in such a company. That is why we now see in MLM full form how to choose a good company

i) Before joining the company, meet the join leader of the company and talk to them and ask them how much their income is, how long they have been working in the company. Whether or not the company gives time to time income.

ii) Where is the Head Office of the company before joining the company. See how many branch offices of the company and where it is. See if there is an office in your neighborhood, then go and see the office because if the company is Fake, then there will be only one normal office or there will not be a company office.

iii) Before joining the company, know that the membership plan of the company is one time or the membership has to be renewed every year. If Renewal has to be done every time, do not join that company.

iv) Before joining the company, see to it that the company has been started sometime. How old is the company? How many people join the company, how many % of their people are making money. What do company owners do?

v) Before joining the company, you should check the legal document of the company yourself. Check the PAN card of the company. Check whether the company has an ISO certificate. If any company is hesitant to show you the document then stay away form such company.

I hope that you have read this article from MLM fullform full and very well because after reading this information completely you will understand all this information. In this article, you must have seen MLM is full form [Multi-Level Marketing], and in today’s time, MLM industry is moving fast, so if you are thinking of starting in MLM, then this information will help you a lot. Take your MLM career further by studying for at least 2 to 3 years in MLM and work hard day and night. Then see how many changes happen in your life, so through MLM full form, I have tried to explain it to you.

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DRDO full form In Details

DRDO Full Form

DRDO Full Form

In this article, we are going to go to a government department DRDO full form and the information related to DRDO is also going to be seen in this article. DRDO was formed in 1958 by the Directorate of Technical Development Establishment and Production, Headquarters of DRDO of Government of India. Those who are under the Ministry of Defense, which is headquartered in New Delhi, there are more than 25000 Scientists in DRDO, more than 5000 Researchers and there are some people who support such training and research.

Right now we see what DRDO is full form, then-Defense Research and Development Organization. This DRDO is full form DRDO has so far made the system of combat aircraft / big weapons/radar/missile / electronic warfare all these are self-reliance and improving defense systems. Development of the country DRDO aims to have a large network of laboratories for sensor/simulation/computer system/aeronautics/training etc. DRDO has three large forces of the country Army / Navy / Air force together with them for the quality of world-class weapons. Training is done DRDO full form [ Defense Research and Development Organization ] DRDO oversees the development and movement of research activities

It is the activities of DRDO to study more on the security of the country in increasing development. When the Ministry of Defense proposes to buy a weapon, then participate in the analysis of that purchase are DRDO activities DRDO full form [Defense Research and Development Organization] Are guiding the services of the three forces in the weapon systems. The activities of DRDO is the Director-General of DRDO S.Christopher is the Advisor to the Defense Minister. G.S.Reddy is DRDO full form so far we have seen some information related to DRDO.

In DRDO full form, we proceed to evaluate the necessary subsystem / scientific revision in defense of the country and to create various programs which are necessary for the development of the country, to practice on the science of the security of the nation. Scientists/technologists need DRDO like some high and qualified people working in DRDO, so we know what salary such people get in DRDO.

1) Grade:- Scientist B
Level in pay matrix:- Level 10
Initial pay in pay matrix:- 56,100/-

2) Grade:- Scientist C
Level in pay matrix:- Level 11
Initial pay in pay matrix:- 67,700/-

3) Grade:- Scientist D
Level in pay matrix:- Level 12
Initial pay in pay matrix:- 78,800/-

4) Grade:- Scientist E
Level in pay matrix:- Level 13
Initial pay in pay matrix :- 1,23,100/-

5) Grade:- Scientist F
Level in pay matrix:- Level 13A
Initial pay in pay matrix :- 1,31,100/-

6) Grade:- Scientist G
Level in pay matrix:- Level 14
Initial pay in pay matrix :- 1,44,200/-

7) Grade:- Scientist H – Outstanding Scientists
Level in pay matrix:- Level 15
Initial pay in pay matrix :- 1,82,202/-

8) Grade :- DRDO Chairman / Department of Defense R & D / Secretary
Level in pay matrix:- Level 17
Initial pay in pay matrix:- 2,25,000/-

In DRDO full form, we saw how much Payscale gets in DRDO. According to his grade, the further career of scientists in DRDO is taken care of. All schemes are given till Scientist H and a promotion scheme is also given based on merit. This is a feature of DRDO. Scientists are also given government accommodation to live with basic monthly payment. If in a situation, the scientists do not get a government voice, then 24% of the basic monthly payment is given to House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance is also given to them. 22,500 / – to scientist B – C – D and 45,000 / – to scientist E – F and newspaper are also paid annually to scientist G. These are the characteristics of DRDO.

What are the facilities for higher training and qualification? Let’s see Pune trains DIAT and Missouri ITM workers. And ITI / IIsc helps to get the higher educational qualification in institutes DRDO not only gives employment but also provides human resource development every year for the recruitment of scientists, does a lot of programs in engineering labs and relevant scientists. More information on this is seen on the RAC website.

So this was the information about DRDO By reading this complete information you must have known DRDO full form and what works in DRDO, what works. How much payscale do DRDO scientists get? All this information has been told in full form DRDO and you will get more information in the next article.

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DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Apply Online 62-Posts Apprentice Vacancy

DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021 apply online 62-posts apprentice Vacancy Sarkari Naukri
Candidates for these posts will be selected on the basis of merit.  Selected candidates will be notified via e-mail.
According to the notification issued by Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), 39 posts of Technician (Diploma) Apprentice are vacant. 

Indian Railways Recruitments 2021 Apply Online | 374 Post’s 10th Pass & ITI Vacancy

Indian Railways Recruitments 2021 Apply Online | 374 Post’s 10th Pass & ITI Vacancy Sarkari Naukri
Indian Railways has recruited a large number of vacancies for 10th pass candidates. According to the notification issued by the Railways, 10th pass candidates can also apply for these posts.The last date to apply for these posts is February 15, 2021.

Under the Railway Recruitment Notice, Apprentice is to be appointed to 374 posts. For 300 posts of Apprentice ITI, it is necessary for the candidates to pass 10th with 50% marks and also to pass ITI.Click for Full DetailsAdd Button

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IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Salary Notification 2021

IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Salary

IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Salary Notification 2021– 16 Junior Engineering Assistant Vacancy – Last Date 19 February

IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Salary Notification 2021– 16 Junior Engineering Assistant Vacancy – Last Date 19 February– Indian Oil Corporation Limited invites application for the posts of 16 Junior Engineering Assistant Vacancy Online Application starts from 28 January 2021. IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Notification 2021 – 16 Junior Engineering Assistant Vacancy – Last Date 19 February

Interested Candidate can apply online .for this post candidate Must 18 years & maximum of 26 years Notification, relaxation in age will be admissible to Divine Body applicant Various posts

3 years Diploma in Chemical/ Refinery & Petrochemical Engg. or B.Sc. (Maths, Physics, Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry) from a recognized Institute/ University with the minimum of 50% marks in aggregate for General, OBC and EWS candidates & 45% in case of SC/ST candidates.. see all details in the official notificationIOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Notification 2021 – 16 Junior Engineering Assistant Vacancy – Last Date 19 February salary- Qualification,-eligibility- criteria. For Sarkari Result, Exam Date, Admit Card, Answer Key, and other important details from time to time on this page only.

First Read Full Official Notification (link Given In Above Table) then apply for these posts thank you for Reading this Article Please Save this page Bookmarks For Upcoming Latest Govt’s Jobs Opportunity.

IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Salary Notification 2021

Post NameNo Of VacancyPay Scale
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Production)1625000 – 105000/-

IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Category wise


Qualification & Age limit

Educational QualificationAge Limit
3 years Diploma in Chemical/ Refinery & Petrochemical Engg. or B.Sc. (Maths, Physics, Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry) from a recognized Institute/ University with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate for General, OBC and EWS candidates & 45% in case of SC/ST candidates.18 to 26 years
Age Calculate on 19.02.2021

important dates

Starting Date for Submission of Online Application28 January 2021
Last Date for Submission of Online Application19 February 2021
Last Date for Submission of Hard Copy of Online Application27 February 2021
Date of Written Exam28 February 2021

Application fee

For General/ EWS and OBC categories150/-Pay Registration fee through SBI Collect.
For SC/ST/PwBD candidatesNo Fee

How to apply for IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Salary Notification 2021

Interested candidates may apply this Sarkari Naukri online through the website https://www.iocrefrecruit.in/iocrefrecruit/index from 18.01.2021 to 19.02.2021

  • Job Location: All India
  • IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Selection Process: Selection will be based on Written Test and Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test.

Important links

Detail Notification Link Click Here
Apply OnlineLink Active on 28.01.2021
IOCL RecruitmentOfficial Website

Read Full Official Notification (link Given In Above Table) then apply for these posts thank you for Reading this Article Please Save this page Bookmarks For Upcoming Latest Govt’s Jobs Opportunity. Interested candidates can apply for these posts if you are looking for a job opportunity IOCL Junior Engineer Recruitment 2021

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DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021 apply online 62-posts apprentice Vacancy

DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021 apply online 62-posts apprentice Vacancy Sarkari Naukri
Candidates for these posts will be selected on the basis of merit.  Selected candidates will be notified via e-mail.
According to the notification issued by Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), 39 posts of Technician (Diploma) Apprentice are vacant. 

Indian Railways Recruitments 2021 Apply Online | 374 Post’s 10th Pass & ITI Vacancy

Indian Railways Recruitments 2021 Apply Online | 374 Post’s 10th Pass & ITI Vacancy Sarkari Naukri
Indian Railways has recruited a large number of vacancies for 10th pass candidates. According to the notification issued by the Railways, 10th pass candidates can also apply for these posts.The last date to apply for these posts is February 15, 2021.

Under the Railway Recruitment Notice, Apprentice is to be appointed to 374 posts. For 300 posts of Apprentice ITI, it is necessary for the candidates to pass 10th with 50% marks and also to pass ITI.

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